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Using Multispectral Remote Sensing in the TIR Region for Monitoring the Environment over Mining Area
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 1st EAGE/GRSG Remote Sensing Workshop, Sep 2012, cp-305-00005
- ISBN: 978-94-6282-101-9
Remote sensing techniques using VIS-NIR-SWIR-TIR sensors, offer a unique opportunity to collect necessary spatial parameters that play a key role for better assessments of mining related environmental impacts. The TIR HSR sensors data, as they are still not well investigated, may contribute to characterize the necessary parameters. An atmospheric correction of TIR (LWIR) data, taken with the AHS multispectral sensor over the Sokolov area in the Czech Republic, was performed. Surface kinetic temperature and emissivity values of the study area were calculated. Some important parameters such as Apparent Thermal Inertia and soil sand and clay content were derived from the corrected data set. The ongoing analysis of the TIR HSR sensors data, ground measurements data and laboratory studies will contribute an additional data layer to the mapping of mining related environmental impacts.