
Contamination of groundwater resources from industrial sites are a prevalent issue worldwide. Characteristic of contaminated site investigations is small site scale and variability of ground conditions that necessitate extensive invasive methods. Invasive methods are costly and therefore pursuit of applicable less costly non-invasive methods to characterise the site and develop a robust Conceptual Site Model (CSM) are desired. This work present the results of the site investigations at a site located in near Copenhagen, Denmark. Naverland 26 handled and stored chlorinated solvents for decades, which resulted in massive contamination with TCE and PCE. The site is located adjacent to many water supplies and is considered one of the most complex sites of its kind in Denmark to characterise. The regional authority is carrying out comprehensive site investigations with focus on innovative approaches to determine the extent of the contamination. The investigations are divided into two phases, an initial phase comprised of pollutant and lithological mapping of the overall site, and a follow-up phase for detailed understanding in location of the contaminant concentration. Geophysical methods employed include 3D GPR, 2D GPR profiling, Shear wave seismic and MASW. The results were used to update the CSM and further planning of follow up investigations.


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