
Understanding the geological-structural environment through regional studies to characterize the velocity field from surface to reservoir has more geological sense. In Sonda de Campeche there are strong velocity variations in the Tertiary rocks that affect the shape and dimensions of structures in time (pull-up or pull-down). The study, modeling and understanding these effects help to propose the best solution and the best image in depth of the reservoir with time-depth conversion process. In this paper, we focus on detailing the interpretation around the fault zones (thrusts and growth faults) of events corresponding to carbonate rocks, to populate interval velocity models with which we obtain the time-depth conversion of the seismic data in the Sonda de Campeche. It was concluded that the seismic data require additional processes to improve the image of events in the shadow zone of faults. Finally, we performed 100 realizations of interval velocity models thus generated a probability distribution of the rock volume. This allows us to represent the uncertainty in the velocity field in areas where there is not well information.


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