
e design driven in some cases) the geologist applies a variety of statistical based techniques to derive the subsurface reservoir architecture. The stochastic model then serves as a media to which can have a tendency to convince ourselves that we have improved our understanding of the subsurface (“I used my stochastic modelling tool and integrated all my log data therefore it must be geologically valid”). In this case study from the Niger Delta, the establishment of deterministic-based geological models through the use of the outcrop analogue observation principles combined with core-based and logbased facies associations are used to supersede the more common practise of stochastic (pixel-based) geological models. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate how thinking more about our conceptual geological model and less on the application of the statistical algorithm (and their inherent workflow) with the data that we have available, there is the possibility to add orders of magnitude of determinism into the geological model making the reservoir description more realistic and predictable.


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