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Nowadays transient methods of electromagnetic sounding are an integral part of the complex of land geophysical methods when studying the sedimentary cover in the south of the Siberian platform. Geological and physical prerequisites of successful application of electroprospecting methods consist of a favorable combination of section’s rocks petrophysical properties - virtually everywhere the value of geological horizons resistance depends on their reservoir properties. In this case it is possible to study reservoirs distribution zones when exploring for minerals contained in them (hydrocarbons, hydromineral materials) and forecasting of difficult conditions of deep well drilling. Electromagnetic exploration is particular important in difficult geological conditions when seismic methods do not result in reliable geological results. Modern sounding technologies, advanced processing and interpretation programs enable one to obtain the geophysical material of high quality aimed to effectively solve geological problems. In the paper examples of TEM prospecting and a technique of the prediction of abnormal reservoirs presence are provided that were performed on an area not examined by drilling