
Work idea during the analysis of main processes of riftogenesis was multi –stage tectonics of plates as more imposing and universal. Main destructive force of crust the convective streams in upper mantle have been considered in the model of groove development. Such model satisfactory conforms with Morgan’s plumes theory and Relay-Benard convection theory. According to complex of geological, fluid – dynamical and themobaric characteristic the mentioned rifts are conceptions of Kazakhstan scientists about nidal theory of hydrocarbon formation within pre-Caspian oil-and –gas province. Oil-gas and geological zoning, which is forming the scientific base of the area, oil gas bearing capacity prediction had been completed on the basis of a new theoretic base of continental riftogenesis conception and center theory of oil-gas formation. Space connection of gas and oil accumulation areas with high resource density with regional oil and gas generation sources has been found. It is the scientific basis for prediction of large hydrocarbon accumulations. Law of placing huge oil and gas deposits in reftogen sedimentary basins had been installed


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