
In recent years there is a tendency to raise demands to accuarcy of seismic exploration operations by License holders. It is to a great extent linked to an increased role of mapping of low-amplitude highs which leads to growing risks in selection of well spud-in locations as their drilling requires more and more funds. Accuracy of deep structuring is predetermined by many factors and the main one is the level of reflector boundaries availability of data on the velocity model and correctness of structural imaging method. The Report analyzed results of various approaces to selection of the top reflector boundary and structural imaging methods based on 3D seismic survery in the fields in Orenburg district. The Report examines capabilities of accounting for velocity irregularities resulting from complicated geological structure of the section abundant in presence of salt-karst troughs in the Lower Permain part of the section, Kolganian bed which shows extremely variable thickness and lithology, and Upper Devonian organogenetic build-ups


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