
The southeastern sector of a complex and extensively folded part of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, known as Izeh Zone, has been studied in order to understand the structural complexity of the region. The past exploration within this zone resulted in discovery of few oil and gas fields. Despite these encouraging discoveries, hydrocarbon exploration in the Izeh Zone, hampered by complexity of structures and poor quality seismic data. In this study, field data, Satellite images and limited 2D seismic used to discuss kinematic evolution of the folds. We investigate the lateral and vertical thickness and facies variations of sedimentary units; to understand the impact of such variations in the formation and geometry of folds. Based on latest data, isopach and lithofacies maps of the region modified. It has been revealed that due to presence of thick incompetent and relatively thin competent formations in the upper part of sedimentary succession (Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary), folds in the Asmari and Sarvak formations largely decoupled the underlying folds which consist of potential reservoirs.


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