
The Black Sea Basin offshore sector is still immature in terms of exploration (less than 300 wells for 460,000 sq km). Less than 20 wells have been drilled in deep water areas, including wells of the DSDP project. The Black Sea is located in a complex tectonic area of the Tethyan domain, continuously involved in rifting and subduction processes since the Paleozoic. Paleotectonic models for the region are still subject to hot controversies but they are essential to better understand the hydrocarbons geology, especially in frontier areas with others prospective provinces (Moesian Platform, Rioni, Indol-Kuban, Pontides etc). Despite the lack of available data in this underexplored region, the Black Sea is now seeing renewed interests from international companies, since the petroleum legislation became more attractive for foreigner investors. Recent discoveries testify also the diversity of new play concepts for conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons resources.


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