
Self –organized criticality (SOC) is one of deterministic chaos methods. The new concept makes it possible to reach qualitative solutions of complex systems behaviour. There are a few popular SOC models. One of them is cellular automata model. Cellular automaton is a dynamical system where space, time, and the states of the system are discrete. Space is represented by a number of identical cells arranged in a regular grid. Each cell can be in one of a finite set of states. The state may be represented by numeral or logical values. The state of every cell depends on the rules. The boundary conditions chosen depend on the nature of the system. This paper presents the phenomenon of self-organized criticality and simplified models for natural dynamic systems modeling. SOC models have important common features, such as single element influence on system’s unstable behaviour, which may help with modeling natural complex systems. One of the models, 2-dimensional cellular automata model, may be used for more precise simulations for better understanding and description of some complex systems and forces modeling them.


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