
The Federal State Unitary Enterprise West Siberian Research Institute of Geology and Geophysics (FSUE WSRIGG), in its composition has a great potential of various geological and geophysical information systems, which solve various problems in area of mineral resources. There are many different departments in WSRIGG hence many different business processes. Productive results of the company arise in the implementation of new business processes and reuse existing. Business processes often include usage of different kind of data from different types of information systems. Most inexpensive and reliable solution for any company to integrate existing information systems without reimplementing them would be to have an ESB (Enterprise Service Bus). ESB is a information backbone wich allows information resources within company interrogate simply. The goal of ESB - to provide indirect integration of information resources taken from various sources and to provide information gained as a whole, united into a single information system. Enterprise Service Bus - a very helpful tool for integration in modern companies: components based on service-oriented architecture are easy to add or modify, without violating existing business processes and available to the enterprise information management environment. Advantages of ESB: • The flexibility of implementation - the system is a cross-platform, which is not dependent on the use of platforms, from the corporate standards, etc. Programming language also does not matter. • Cost is very low. • Scalability. • Reducing the risks of implementation. • The opportunity to offer market integration software systems of different classes. In our company we have made a considerable amount of work to integrate existing information systems and data sources. Next systems were integrated: Regional Bank of digital information on the geology of oil and gas(RBTSGI-UV) • BasPro • Database of seismic studies. • A database of mounted drilling. • Metabase of spatial data. • Database of archival facilities. • And about 20 data sources more. All sources are heterogeneous (ORACLE, FoxPro, DBF, SHP, DOC, XLS, TXT, etc.) and are distributed geographically (in three buildings). Entry point for the company's employees is Enterprise Portal, which is also connected to the ESB. It's aggregate business processes in ESB allows to get information from disparate data sources without the need to create specialized converters. "How much and what objects (for example wells) is in the database #1, system #2, database #3?" - such kind of questions could be easily answered with help of ESB. Modern integration technology can significantly reduce the time in management decision making.


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