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Fit-for-Purpose Seismic Technology - A Case Study in the Use of Point-Receiver Recording for Exploration in the Western Desert of Egypt
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 3rd EAGE North African/Mediterranean Petroleum and Geosciences Conference and Exhibition, Feb 2007, cp-16-00056
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-42-9
Seismic survey design balances the complex interaction of many factors against the objective of delivering a cost-effective and fit-for-purpose dataset, on time, to the seismic interpreter. The availability of new technology allows reevaluation of this balance of factors to best realize the value the technology can provide. Traditional assumptions in terms of fold requirements and source and receiver effort can be revisited. A case history is presented from a 2000-km2 3D Vibroseis survey in the Western Desert of Egypt. Availability of a high-channel-count point-receiver acquisition system and associated source and processing technology allowed a significant rebalancing of the field acquisition parameterization relative to an existing, successful, conventional technique. The resulting dataset, though acquired with a reduced field effort, compares favorably with the existing data both geophysically and economically.