
Due to the population increase, tourism development and insufficient water supply in desert zones in the northern of the Mexico, demanding of drinking water has become a government priority. In order to face this situation the IMPULSA research program has been created to develop novel technologies based on desalination of sea and brackish water using renewable energies. The present study aims to obtain a better insight on the Punta Banda geothermal system (Baja California, Mexico), specifically on the structural features related to the thermal anomalies. A preliminary geoelectrical prospection was carried out in the zone to understand the process generating these anomalous temperatures and to assess its potential exploitation. Two geophysical techniques were chosen to approach this objective, the Audiomagnetotelluric method (AMT) and the Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT). Two main geoelectrical zones were identified: 1) a shallow low resistivity media located at the central portion of the profile, coinciding with the Maneadero Valley and 2) two high resistive structures bordering the conductive zone, possibly related to NS faulting, already identified by previous geophysical studies. These results suggest that the geothermal anomalies are possible controlled by the dominant structural pattern in the zone.


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