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Microseismic monitoring of hydraulic fractures is an important tool for imaging fracture networks and optimizing the reservoir engineering of the stimulation. The range of magnitudes of the recorded microseisms depends at the lower limit on the array sensitivity; while the upper limit varies significantly from site to site. In this paper the variation in the microseismic magnitude range is examined and compared with the injection and site characteristics. Although there are numerous potential factors effecting the seismic deformation, the energy of the pumping and state of stress appear to be the two dominant factors. However, interaction with pre-existing faults also results in increased deformation. In this paper these factors are examined using the seismic injection efficiency, defined as the ratio of seismic energy release to the hydraulic energy expended during the injection. Ultimately, this can potentially be used to design the stimulation to maximize the deformation. Characterization of the seismogenic potential is also important for seismic hazard assessment, as well as the design of passive monitoring.