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This lecture shall be the revival of an unique invention consisting out of a very sophisticated drilling tool called “Fluid Finder®”and the technology of applying it. The EDL-technology (EDL=Exploration Drilling Liquids) enables boring companies and hydrogeologists all over the world extracting liquids from an uncased / unstabilised borehole without having to remove the drill string and thus to sample water once or several times at whatever stage of the Hydraulic-circulation drilling process, and to analyse key parameters of the aquifer before completion of the well construction. Another great advantage amongst others is the huge amount of saving money and time. A test borehole was drilled at Eenyama village where previous drilling only yielded boreholes with brackish water from the main deep Kalahari aquifer. Clear water samples were taken from three different depths. The sample taken at 153 m depth showed a conductivity higher than 5000 µS/cm, while the sample taken at 240 m depth showed a conductivity of 1130 µS/cm. A filter was installed in this freshwater aquifer while the brackish aquifer was sealed with cement. The borehole was subsequently recommended for installation in order to supply safe drinking water to the village.