
Microimaging is a modern method of open hole logging. Imaging methods improve very fast and can be applied in all aspects of geology. Microresistivity measurements are oriented to the north, therefore the results can be presented as 3D images of rebored rocks. Microimaging can be used in the interpretation of sedimentological, structural geology and petroleum issues. It is helpful for the interpretation of detailed geology such as sedimentological features (bedding, current structures, size and shape of clasts, bioturbation, mass flow features, fluid escape structures, erosional surfaces) or structural data (natural fractures, microfaults, unconformities, induced fractures, breakouts). Faults within the aeolian succession of the Rotliegend in Poland have so far not been studied. This fact resulted from the low resolution of seismic data for the Rotliegend succession caused by the thick overburden of the Zechstein evaporitic series. Additionally, the faults are characterized by low amplitudes, therefore their interpretation on seismic logs is much more difficult. Microimage analysis allowed interpreting fractures and faults within the Rotliegend aeolian deposits in the Fore-Sudetic Moncline. Faults can influence on the decrease of reservoir properties within the aeolian succession.


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