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An Example of Integrated Use of Common Reflection Surface Stack and Pre Stack Depth Migration
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 70th EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2008, Jun 2008, cp-40-00146
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-53-5
The 3D Common-Reflection-Surface (CRS) stack is a macro-model independent seismic reflection imaging method that has proved to accurately detect and characterize events in the pre-stack data domain. The great increase of fold that is peculiar of this technique, gives a clearer image compared to conventional time methods. At the same time PSDM is the most effective approach in imaging complex structures and it is a valid tool to properly evaluate the seismic velocity distribution in the subsurface. The present case history shows how in presence of complex environmental/geological issues, the integration between the two techniques previously mentioned leads to very good results in terms of horizon continuity and structure definition. The effectiveness of this approach is demonstrated by the reliable seismic interpretation of the main target performed on the seismic volumes and the successful understanding of the structural features. These interpretations helped the positioning of a successfully drilled well. The main aim of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of the combined use of these different technologies in such a very complex case.