
The objective of current research is to discuss the experimental relation between permeability and compressibility of eight natural and artificial porous samples estimated by two distinct laboratory set-ups. The first method to calculate compressibility is the conventional ultrasonic measurement (~ 1 MHz) of the dry rock velocities. The second is the so-called Differential Acoustic Resonance Spectroscopy (DARS) set-up (~ 1 kHz), which relies on the shift in resonance frequency between an empty and a sample-loaded fluid-filled cylindrical resonator. We conclude that for the five reference solids and three low-permeable samples the compressibility estimated by both methods are comparable. However, for one medium- and four high-permeable samples the compressibility estimated by both methods differs. Apparently, the compressibility measured by the DARS-method is related to the permeability of the sample.


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