
Explorationists often need to evaluate prospects in new areas on very short notice. A company’s ability to respond to new venture opportunities on short notice relies on rapid access to relevant information. Mining this information is time consuming and frequently requires specialized personnel and software that may not be available. A global geochemistry data portal addresses these issues by providing access to more than one source of information such as: Non-exclusive spec studies for petroleum basins around the world where the geochemical and geologic information has already been incorporated into a cohesive report. Links to scientific journals and conference proceedings. This information is typically housed in many disparate sources that make their efficient assimilation nearly impossible. It is now possible to search over 125 technical sites/publications with a single search engine. Consequently, both legacy data and recent articles can be obtained in an efficient manner. Access to a global geochemistry database with web-based tools that allow users to view and interrogate large volumes of data. This data can then be used to evaluate new areas of interest in which the explorationists may not be familiar or may be used to augment a company’s existing data.


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