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CO2 storage potential assessments were performed in the Czech Republic and suitable structures were identified. Distribution of big stationary CO2 emission sources predestines the Central Bohemian Upper Palaeozoic Basin as the most prospective structure for geological storage of CO2. Considering the criteria - porous reservoir rock sealed by impermeable rock presence at depths below 800 m – the study focused on sandstones of Nýřany Mb. and Týnec Fm.; and on mudstones of overlying Mšec Mb. and Líně Fm. - in areas of Žatec (ŽB) and of Mnichovohradiště sub-basin (MnB). Based on the dataset provided by the Czech Geological Survey: 1) Aquifer body was defined with the volume of 24 km3 and the CO2 storage capacity of 434 Mt CO2, consisting of 150-250 m thick fluvial complex of the Nýřany Mb. and Týnec Fm.; and isolated by 200 m thick mudstones of the Líně Fm in the ŽB. 2) Aquifer body was defined with the volume of 56 km3 and the CO2 storage capacity of 705.6 Mt CO2, consisting of 120-250 m thick fluvial complex of the Nýřany Mb. and Týnec Fm.; and isolated by 150 m thick complex of mudstones of alternating Hředle Mb. and Mšec Mb. in the MnB.