
The results of the integrated geophysical investigations of engineering-geological conditions along the area on acting branch of the surface bedding underground are given. It is shown that the complex of geophysical express-methods of the forming short-pulsed electromagnetic field (FSPEF), vertical electric-resonance sounding (VERS), as well as seismic-acoustic and georadar sounding can effectively and operatively to solve specific engineering-geological problems during new line of surface bedding underground construction. The regular monitoring of engineering-geological condition of the environment can be realized also along area of already acting metro line. The method of seismic-acoustic sounding is effective at the solving of a problem of an estimation of quality of tunnels fastening by cementing solutions in a vertical cross-section. The character of cementing solutions penetration in a ground on the area is determined confidently according to data of survey by a FSPEF method. The sites of the increased moistening of soil and the zones of a filtration of underground water streams are allocated and mapped reliably by a FSPEF method survey. The depths of bedding of moistening sites of a ground and zones of a filtration of water streams are confidently fixed by VERS method.


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