
The area of the Sudetes comprising south-western part of Poland is considered to be prospective for geothermal water connected with zones of deep tectonic breaks and granitic massifs. The area is also known for numerous occurrences of lode type ore mineralization that have been exploited since the Medieval time. Taking into account the increasing role of renewable sources of energy and the need for discovering new ore deposits, the experimental geophysical survey were undertaken in the Sudetes. The general aim of the survey was the evaluation of effectiveness of audiomagnetotelluric method in recognising tectonic zones and connected with them geothermal resources and ore mineralisation occurrence. Some examples of application of audiomagnetotelluric continuous profiling in the Sudetes area are presented. Geophysical interpretation was based on 1D OCCAM inversion, 2D inversion and pseudo 2D EMAP transformation. Geothermal zones and zones of mineralization are clearly visible in resistivity cross-sections.


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