
The signal-to-noise ratio of the seismic data depends on the way how the data acquisition is done and on the amplitude of the perturbing factors that occur due to the field conditions, for example the phase variations. Some of the effects of the phase variations can be removed/attenuated by using static corrections in the processing flow and some of them not. The later is the case of the effect of irregular geometry, where the extra-times introduced by the receiver positions cannot be removed during the data processing. <br>In this abstract, we will analyze the effect of irregular geometry on the processing results. Analyzing the synthetic seismic data, we will show that the signal (the reflected waves) can be affected by the irregular geometry used during the data acquisition; the modeling of the seismograms was done using the parameters extracted from the field data geometry in the absence of other perturbing factors, in order to have a control on the effect of irregular geometry. Next, we will analyze a field dataset and we will show how important is the effect of irregular geometry on the signal-to-noise ratio of seismic data.<br>


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