
Geological sequestration is a potential means to reduce large amount of CO2 that is released into the atmosphere from petroleum developments as well as other stationary sources. Technical steps for CO2 geological sequestration include separation, dehydration, compression, transport, injection and monitoring. Reservoir and geological studies are important, especially to optimize the sequestration process and to determine the extent to which the CO2 moves within the geologic formation. This information is key to ensure that sequestration will not impair the geologic integrity of an underground formation and that CO2 storage is secure and environmentally acceptable. This paper has discussed about the technology involved in CO2 geological sequestration process, its reservoir & geological perspectives, the storage problems, various monitoring methods and techniques for safe injection of CO2. Analysis of various monitoring techniques currently in use was done and is presented for review and evaluation from great number of sources. Hence consideration of all the reservoir and geological aspects along with effective monitoring of Sequestration process would lead to the safe storage of CO2 underground which could be used later for various purposes thereby also standing as a key tool in tackling climate change, providing energy security, creating jobs and economic prosperity.


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