
A generalization of the standard semblance equation is used to develop a 5D interpolation algorithm. After explaining the methodology, we demonstrate its effectiveness by applying it to two onshore data sets. Both datasets have numerous acquisition skips and irregularities due to cultural obstructions or permitting issues and, as acquired, are full of 5D holes. The first is a structurally complex supra salt survey and has additional coverage and regularity issues resulting from the merging of two 3D surveys with different acquisition parameters and vintages. The second survey is a project on which azimuthal orthorhombic migration will be performed requiring appropriate offset/azimuth coverage and distribution. We will show how the technology described in this paper can address complex coverage issues by regularizing and interpolating the input data in all five dimensions to optimize velocity modeling and migration. This approach pushes toward the ultimate goal of yielding the best possible results to satisfy the exploration requirements envisioned with the acquisition of these 3D surveys.


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