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We present a selection of sample solutions for the History Matching problem for three different types of black oil reservoirs, using our implementation of a reservoir simulator and an inverse problem optimization programs. The new simulator is based on the method of finite element and the method of direct integration with an automatically-selected step in the time domain. High-speed and stability of the solution is achieved using low-level x86 optimizations. To demonstrate capabilities of our implementation that uses a number of optimization methods and a new finite-element based simulator, we present sample solutions for the History Matching problem for three different types of black oil reservoir models: models based on permeability of layers only, models based on permeability of faults, and models based on both permeability of layers and faults. The three sample solutions were obtained by processing each type of reservoir model over a grid of 40x80x34. Each solution was assumed satisfactory with a 5% relative error in matching the reference data with corresponding data for the current selection of the history matching. In each case, results of the History Matching were obtained with sufficient precision in less than 2 hours, using commodity hardware.