
Today there are several methods which are considered effective for the prediction of fractured zones, but the practice demonstrates that they give very different results thus automatically guiding us to the question on how to choose the most applicable. Obviously it’s highly desirable to create an algorithm which then can be applied not only for one field, but for at least some others. In particular in this project the unified methodology has been created which proved its validity for two fields in Timano-Pechorskaya province – Varandeyskoye and Yuzhno-Toraveyskoye. The authors of this paper suggest the comparison between the field history data and the results of reservoir modelling as a way to verify the quality of the prediction. While the reservoir models used for running the scenarios included different cubes of fractured zones (and the permeability subsequently) obtained from different prediction methods. The duplex waves migration method provided for the prediction of the fractured zones in Varandeyskoye and Yuzhno-Toraveyskoye fields which were confirmed using the historical well data. Consequently, including fractured zones within dynamic model allowed us to choose the better scenarios accounting for specific production dynamics of wells situated in fractured zones thus decreasing the risk for the investor.


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