
mplex basins. These include basins affected by exhumation, where there is often uncertainty regarding the maximum burial depths of source, reservoir and seal horizons. This uncertainty can be reduced by quantifying exhumation magnitudes using techniques such as sonic velocity analysis, which can be used to determine the compaction state of sedimentary rocks. The Mesozoic-Cenozoic basins between the Faroe, Orkney and Shetland Islands along the NW European Margin are oil and gas provinces whose subsidence histories have been interrupted by several tectonic phases, including multiple Cretaceous rifting, Paleogene volcanism and Oligo-Miocene inversion. We have used sonic velocity data from 23 wells to estimate the magnitude and distribution of Cenozoic net exhumation recorded in over-compacted intra-formational shale units identified from gamma-ray logs within Maastrichtian marine shales. Our results indicate that the Maastrichtian marine shales are at, or near (i.e. within ≤100 m net exhumation) maximum burial in the northeast (i.e. Møre and Magnus basins) and increase towards the southwest (i.e. North Rona Basin and Rona High) where post-Maastrichtian net exhumation magnitudes of ~300-960 m are estimated.


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