
Petrophysical modeling makes possible estimation of effective reservoir properties (effective porosity and permeability) with standard log suite data. Petrophysical invariant (current effective porosity, divided by the maximum effective porosity for the particular reservoir) is considered as the main log interpretative and petrophysical parameter analysis in case of complex polymineral reservoirs, which reflects the wide range of factors that characterizes the sedimentation conditions, occurrence and secondary lithogeochemical transformations of reservoir rocks. Characteristic parameters of the model allow studying petrophysical principles and relations directly on the results of the laboratory core analysis. There are two points for petrophysical model validation. First point is a clear inverse relation between the shale volume and total porosity of the particular reservoir and their sum is equal to the porosity of the matrix. Second point is the close inverse correlation between the sand content and aleurite fractions content. The main area of the developed model practical application is 3D digital geological and hydrodynamic simulation.


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