

To systematize domestic and foreign experience of usage of space remote sensing data, transformation methods for different-level and different-time datasets and program tools for their processing to creation of the National Internet-center of monitoring and analysis of data for solving, among others, the problems of crops productivity forecasting in Ukraine. The review of world achievements in the field of diverse space surveys using for grain agriculture problems solving is accomplished. The main questions related to identification and inventory of agricultural grounds for control of crops condition, definition of soils structure, quality and timeliness of various agricultural procedures controlling, dynamics of development of crops supervision and productivity forecasting are cover. The main requirements are formulated and necessary components for creation of architecture of information, methodical and program implementation of the Ukrainian Internet-center for monitoring and the analysis of space remote sensing data for grain agriculture problems solving are defined. The results received can be used for preparation and implementation of main stages of Ukrainian Internet-center creation for agricultural areas monitoring.


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