

Complex of Bazhenov shales properties was analyzed experimentally including continuous high-resolution (1–2 mm) profiling of thermal conductivity and volumetric heat capacity on more than 13000 core samples from 17 wells drilled in 11 hydrocarbon fields. Principal components of thermal conductivity and thermal anisotropy coefficient were determined for all core samples. Processing and geological interpretation of thermophysical data were performed jointly with standard wire-line logging and laboratory measurement data. Close correlations between thermal properties, from one hand, and total organic carbon, acoustic velocities, density, and natural radioactivity, from other hand, were established along with correlation between thermal anisotropy coefficient and elastic property anisotropy. It was found out that the correlations established are caused by the fact that relatively stable properties of rock matrix are in great contrast with organic matter properties. The regression equations established allowed to develop approaches to transform thermal profiling data in total organic carbon, acoustic velocities, geomechanical parameters, density, and natural radioactivity profiles. Close correspondence between results of thermal profiling and scratching core samples (applied for strength properties determination and detailed characterization of rock formation heterogeneity) was ascertained. It provided scratching complementing or substituting by thermal core profiling as Bazhenov rock samples are destructed under scratching often.


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