

The article presents results of detailed differentiation of Bazhenov horizon (Bazhenov formation, lower Tutleim formation) based on lithological, geochemical, and paleontological data complex correlated with well logging. The criteria were worked out, which allow consistently stratify Bazhenov sediments within the boundaries of fields, tectonic and structural-facies areas. Marking horizons and reper regional intervals were found, to reliable correlate sections on vast distances.

In recent years, many geological research groups worked on areal Bazhenov sediments analysis, matching their supply and oil generation intervals in comparing different areas of Bazhenov horizon distribution. Thus, there is necessity of unified knowledge of Bazhenov sediments structure and correlation, which makes this work actual and needed.


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  1. И.В.Панченко, В.Д.Немова, М.Е.Смирнова, М.В.Ильина, Е.Ю.Барабошкин, В.С.Ильин
    [2016] Стратификация и детальная корреляция баженовского горизонта в центральной части Западной Сибири по данным литолого-палеонтологического изучения керна и ГИС. Геология нефти и газа, №6, С.22–34.
    [Google Scholar]

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