

Bazhenov Formation (BF) is the largest oil source rock in Western Siberia with one million square kilometers area. A significant part of BF is low-permeability reservoirs composed of highly organic-rich carbonate and siliceous rocks. Oil deposits of the BF have high vertical and lateral heterogeneity with lack of hydrodynamic connection among productive reservoirs, thus vertical and deviated wells have low oil recovery factor.

The most effective up-to-date technology of oil recovery for the BF is the multi-stage hydraulic fracturing (MHF) in horizontal wells. In ultra-low permeability reservoir with (MHF) of horizontal wells, the only way to maximize drainage area is to create induced fracturing – so-called stimulated reservoir volume (SRV).

In this paper presented results of developed specialized software for modeling (MHF) for low-permeability reservoirs (in particular, the BF) in order to determine the optimum technological parameters for generating an effective fracture network in the formation. Complex analysis of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing effectivity is possible by coupled solving of geomechanical problem of initiation, development and closing of hydraulic fractures and reservoir simulation of the inflow within the configuration of created stimulated reservoir volume.


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