

The core material obtained within the license areas of TPP “RITEK-Samara-Nafta” from Feizulovskaya 25 well and Kovylnaya 50 well (Ulyanovsk region, the Melekesskian trough), Zapadno-Avralinskaya 11 well and Dobryninskaya 33 well (the Samara region, Sok upfold), Magistralnaya 100 well and Streletskaya 170 well (the Samara region, Buzuluk trough) was used for estimation of the domanic deposits prospectivity. The set of geochemical studies included pyrolitical rock analysis (Rock-Eval), luminescent-bitumen analysis of rocks and extracts, molecular analysis on extracted paraffinic hydrocarbons using gas-liquid chromatography and polycyclic biomarkers using chromatography-mass spectrometry.

In the context of geochemistry the territory of Sok upfold and adjacent north part of Buzuluk trough are the most prospective areas for the development works in order to obtain shale oil from the domanic deposits within the Samara region.

The northern license areas within the Melekesskian trough of the Ulyanovsk region are of little promise due to insufficient degree of maturity of the organic matter of the domanic deposits.

The domanic deposits of the southern areas of the Samara region within Buzuluk trough are unpromising due to low generational potential.


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