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Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Gas Condensate Reservoirs- Inclusion of Porous Media Properties
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 79th EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2017, Jun 2017, Volume 2017, p.1 - 5
Liquid dropout usually occurs in gas condensate reservoirs, when pressure decreases below the dew point, especially around the well bore. The liquid is trapped by capillary forces or is left behind due to the low liquid relative permeability. As saturation of this liquid is lower than critical saturation, this economically valuable liquid is unable to move in the reservoir and then to be produced.
The main goal of this work is to investigate whether a constant volume depletion test, CVD, is a representative of a gas condensate reservoir to predict the amount of insitu liquid dropout during depletion stage. The results of the CVD test, traditionally recommended, was compared with the results of a numerical reservoir models with different properties including permeability, production rates and geometries. It was concluded that when the permeability is set at high values or in cases with low production rates, the CVD test results matches the results of the reservoir model but once the production rate increases or at low permeability cases, the results deviate from the outputs of CVD test drastically. It was also concluded that the number of grids also plays an important role in the modelling of insitu liquid dropout.