

The basic, fundamental problem to be solved when planning geological and geophysical research works in the Arctic consists in the challenge of dealing with the object covered by the deep sea waters which, partially, topped by multiyear ice. Such a "double pack" immediately rules out a multitude of ground-based technologies, aircraft- and satellite-based remote sensing surveys, as well as many achievements of the marine geophysics.

However, our approach implies giving up standard procedures, sacrificing their mobility in favor of arranging a complex, but effective experiment, to ensure their sustainable movement over the investigated medium occurring under the ocean floor, at the expense of the polar ice drifting.

Furthermore, we offer a specific set of methods, each specifically constructed or modified for effective sounding from the surface of drifting ice and penetrating masses of seawater. This complex is open for supplementing it with other geophysical methods for higher efficiency of the involved operations under the considered conditions.


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