

The Middle Caspian offshore is one of a few provinces of Russian shelf with not only explored and proved petroleum resources but also where active production is taking place. Main oil and gas bearing complexes are Jurassic terrigenous-carbonate and Cretaceous terrigenous. Jurassic deposits contain 88% of petroleum resources within the Sarmat-Kvalyn anticline zone which is a part of Prikum-Central-Caspian system of anticlines and troughs. Current level of exploration gives reasonable level of confidence to identify large and medium structures. New profitable prospects are believed to be found in structural-tectonic and nonanticline traps. Due to good seismic coverage, irregular distribution of drilled wells, long distances between some of zones and lateral changes of thickness and lithology of Jurassic deposits application of sequence-stratigraphy analysis is necessary. With application of this method Jurassic deposits were divided into sequences of 2nd and 3rd order and parasequences for the first time in area of Middle Caspian. Identification of system tracts allowed to describe character of sedimentation in Jurassic basin and to define reservoirs and potential seals and their distribution.


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