

The results of the assessment of the oil and gas potential of four areas of 3D seismic works conducting in the Norwegian part of the former “gray” zone of the Barents Sea are analyzed. Experimental studies were carried out using the frequency-resonance method of processing and interpretation of remote sensing data (RS). The total area of the surveyed blocks is equal to 39742 km2, and the area of 3D seismic works within them is 13956 km2. In 2014, two anomalous zones of the “gas reservoir” type and 13 anomalous zones of “gas + condensate deposit” type with a total area of 1613 km2 were detected and mapped within the surveyed areas. In 2017 within one of the surveyed sites a 7435/12-1 Korpfjell well with a depth of 1508 m was drilled, in which no commercial deposits of gas were found. In January 2018, a satellite image of the local well site location was processed on a larger scale. Analysis of the results of frequency resonance processing of satellite images of the drilling site in 2014 and 2018 shows that the drilled well 7435/12-1 Korpfjell is not in the optimal location.


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