

In the seismic wave fields terminology there are two fundamental concepts: wave regularity and spatial coherence. Although these concepts are contiguous, the term regularity is encountered in solving many problems, including the problem of detection (correlation, picking) of seismic waves. Coherence is encountered only in the task of identifying zones of tectonic deformations and fracture zones. Literary sources known to the author consider these problems separately, and the existing algorithms solve them independently.

The report shows that these problems can be solved within the single approach, using the seismic wave field statistical model and analysis of the directional summing results. This approach is an attempt to maximally formalize and automate the problems solution. As a result, the process of coherence cubes calculating does not require the involvement of piking results and can be carried out over the entire volume of initial data. The report presents the results of using the developed algorithms in the interpretation of VSP, 2D and 3D CDP of a number of oil and gas fields in Western Siberia region.


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