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Physical Modeling Results of GPR Sounding of Lena River Sands (the Middle Flow)
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Engineering and Mining Geophysics 2020, Sep 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 - 13
The results of physical modeling of the processes of electromagnetic waves propagation in the frequency range from 75 to 375 MHz in homogeneous sands of medium size (granulometric composition 0.1-1.0 mm) with a total humidity of 3.6%, 7.3% and 20.5% in the temperature range from 38 ° C to +27 ° C obtained at the geophysical research polygon of the Tuymaada station of the SB RAS Permafrost Institute are presented. GPR soundings in the frequency range 75–375 MHz established that the temperature range of frozen sands of medium size from 3 ° C to 39 ° C with a total humidity of up to 20%, the dielectric permittivity is constant and practically unchanged. An increase in the dielectric constant does not occur at 0 ° C but already at negative sand temperatures of about 2 ° C ÷ 0.5 ° C, while for sands with a total humidity of 7.3% and 20.5%, this occurs spasmodically. During GPR sounding of sands with a total humidity of 7.3% in the temperature range from 8 оС to +27 оС the width of the spectrum of the probing signal (in terms of energy level) does not change and varies in the range of Δf (0.5) = 175 ÷ 190 MHz, however further lowering the temperature of the frozen sand in the range from 26 ° C up to 35 о° C increases the spectrum width by 80 MHz (or 35%) with a slight shift to the high-frequency region.