oa Use of GPTS technology in geoinformation security for sustainable development of megacities
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, Geoinformatics: Theoretical and Applied Aspects 2020, May 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 - 5
Passive radar remote sensing of the centers of destruction of natural-technical systems in a wide range of wavelengths is a scientific and technical direction, which allows to obtain qualitatively new information about the stress-strain state of objects immersed in the geological environment. Schemes and principles for the analysis of the interaction of engineering structures with the natural geological environment using airborne geophysical tomography are developed. Mapping and diagnostics of the structure of disturbing influences - risk sources that complicate the operation of real estate and reduce the time between failures. The unevenness of the impacting factors on the part of the rock masses at the locations of linear structures and high-risk structures was discovered by the included observation method. A specification has been developed for a unified air complex for remote sensing of complex structures and city monitoring in order to timely identify life-threatening incidents using manned and unmanned aircraft and working models of hardware and software implementation of the complex units. On the basis of the obtained data, maps and vertical geological sections of stress-strain activity were constructed at various scales and the tendency for the development of hazardous natural ones is calculated and technogenic processes.