

Saline frozen soils occupy vast territories of the Arctic coast. , it is necessary to determine the state of frozen soil for construction purposes. Because there are saline soils with a negative temperature, which is higher than freezing point. These soils do not contain ice and have high deformability, low bearing capacity; therefore, they must be identified at the preliminary stage of site investigation. We carried out special laboratory test, where determined different characreristics for calculation (salinity, water content, density, Atterberg Limits, freezing point, velocity of longitudinal waves, electrical resistivity). A method for calculating the concentration of pore solution in soils ( massive cryogenic texture) based on the data of geophysical parameters (velocity of longitudinal waves, electrical resistivity) has been proposed and tested. Using of the obtained value of the concentration of the pore solution makes it possible to calculate freezing point according to the formula recommended by Russian standard SP25.13330.2012. Calculations carried out using the data of electrical resistivity are closer to the experimental values. Thus, knowing freezing point and temperature of soil (according to themperature measurement, which are carried out everywhere in permafrost), it is possible to determine state of frozen soil.


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