

An important feature of the Bazhenov Formation is the heterogeneity of its lithological composition along the section. This article presents the results for one of the wells from the Druzhnaya area, located on the northern slope of the Khantheyskaya hemianteclise in the central part of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. For each lithological type of rocks, core-GIS dependencies were found that best describe its distribution over the section. The organic matter content correlates best with the radioactive log values. The concentrations of siliceous material and pyrite have a pronounced relationship with the electrical resistivity of rocks. The concentration of carbonate material correlates with the values of neutron logs, and the content of clay matter - with the density of the rocks and their electrical resistivity. After that, the multidimensional dependences of the content of each component on several types of logging were analyzed, which served as the basis for calculating the curves of their content in the rock. The calculated curves correlate well with the core data, which is confirmed by the high values of the reliable approximation (R2), which varies from 0.72 to 0.89 for different components. The resulting volumetric model clearly shows the relative content of the main rock-forming components in the Bazhenov Formation and their distribution over the section. The obtained dependences can be used to calculate the lithological composition of the Bazhenov formation in closely spaced wells that are not characterized by core material.


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