

Geoecological marine research is now widespread and carried out in various forms. Along with classical regional studies, the most common forms: geoecological sampling of bottom sediments, water within the framework of engineering and environmental surveys, geoecological monitoring. State monitoring is currently conducted by the Federal State Budgetary Institution VNIIOkeangeologiya (Far East), VSEGEI (Baltic, White and Barents Seas) and JSC Yuzhmorgeologiya, JSC Rosgeologia (Black, Azov and Caspian Seas). In addition, geoecological studies are partially carried out by Roshydromet subdivisions in terms of determining the pollution of bottom sediments. The range of tasks solved in these works is very wide and varied. The most mobile and, at the same time, informative methods for studying hazardous geological processes in water areas are geophysical methods. Moreover, with the development of both the geoecological direction itself and the instrumental base of measurements, geophysical methods are becoming increasingly important for solving a wide range of problems in the geoecology of seas and large lakes. This report examines examples of the use of geophysical methods in geoecology and discusses the possibilities of expanding the application of these methods for solving specific geoecological problems


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