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Novel GTS for realistic geosteering training and optimization of well placement strategies
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 3rd EAGE/SPE Geosteering Workshop, Nov 2021, Volume 2021, p.1 - 5
A new geosteering training simulator (GTS) is in development to prepare even better for the real-time geosteering and to test if the geosteering strategy is possible to implement when the data is presented point-by-point along the trajectory as they will be presented for a given bottom-hole assembly during drilling. Pre-job model inversion results and log curves presented along a complete trajectory may look easier to interpret than the limited data set available real-time at specific decision points. A GTS-tool opens the possibility to do pre-job training for those involved in the geo operational support of a specific well or to introduce new personnel to the geosteering experience of making decisions while drilling. Having access to the GTS in the pre-job phase could be the difference between success and failure and save cost by avoiding unnecessary mistakes. The first prototype of the GTS has been applied in internal training of operational personnel. The next step will be to use this tool prior to real operations to validate the geosteering strategy and possible contingencies.