

The study demonstrates the potential for mapping changes in biodiversity within the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, using the “Oleshkivski Pisky” National Natural Park (NNP) as an example. The importance of the mapping process is defined by one of the NNP’s objectives – the preservation of endemic samples of flora and fauna. The outcome of the research should be thematic biodiversity inventory maps. These maps reflect the most current factual data in terms of time and content, utilizing the geometric, semantic, and topological characteristics of biodiversity from Ukraine’s State Cadastres, along with local datasets from the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). In cases where essential information is absent from these registries, the foundational data for its recording should be sourced from the specialized GIS database of the NNP. Maintenance of the biodiversity information base within the Oleshkivski Sands, in terms of completeness and accuracy, should be conducted periodically through monitoring. Since the territory of the NNP has been under russian occupation, monitoring has been exclusively conducted using remote sensing methods. Changes in biodiversity in the “Oleshkivski Pisky” NNP are recorded based on a comparative geoinformation analysis of the created thematic maps within the GIS environment compared to a reference cartographic model.


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