oa Restoration and Development of the Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine: Strategy, Tasks and Measures Being Taken
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The russian military agression has caused enormous damage to Ukraine, including the National Hydrometeorological Service. As a result of aggression, as well as the temporary occupation of Crimea and other territories, the Hydrometerological Service lost about 25% of the infrastructural potential of observation network: 68 stations and posts, 5 regional centers,10 avia -meteorological stations, 4 weather radars, 7 aerological radars and stations, 15 stations on monitoring of environment pollution monitoring. A preliminary assessment shows that the material losses suffered by the Hydrometeorological Service amount to 55–60 million Euros. Hundreds of its employees have lost their jobs, including those who were forcibly deported to russia. Unfortunately, some of staff members have lost their lives or have been wounded. Despite a fact that the aggression still continues, Ukraine in cooperation with its international partners, is developing a strategy for the post-war reconstruction of the country. One of the provisions of this strategy considers the application of approaches that are the basis of the so-called “green reconstruction”, which consists in integrating provisions of “sustainable development” into the national policy of recovery. Applying the “green reconstruction” principles into the restoration and development of the Hydrometeorological Service means that new technologies and methods of observation must not only meet requirements for accuracy of measured data, but also be “environmentally sustainable”, meet goals of energy safe and a mitigation of impact of climate changes. The article examines: losses suffered by the Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine as a result of russian military aggression as of the end of August 2023; measures which to be taken to restore the system of hydrometeorological observations and forecasting with the financial assistance of international partners and based on the approach “the environmental sustainability” of observing systems and methods.