oa Ways to Improve Water Supply to the Population of the Territories Adversely Affected by the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station Dam Explosion
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The explosion of the Kakhovka hydropower plant (HPP) dam on June 6, 2023, led to a catastrophe caused by the flooding of large areas, human casualties, loss of unique ecosystems, environmental pollution and huge losses. Up to 700 thousand people were deprived of proper access to drinking water.
The feasibility of restoring the dam is being actively discussed in expert circles. Different arguments are given in favor of the first and second options. However, it is clear that this issue should be resolved on the basis of a comprehensive scientific analysis of the problem, taking into account a range of economic and environmental aspects, for which leading Ukrainian scientific institutions in the fields of water management, geology, energy, and agriculture should be involved.
One thing is clear today: the disaster has exacerbated the already urgent problem of water supply in the southern regions of Ukraine. This problem should be solved primarily by ensuring an optimal balance of surface and groundwater in the water supply, i.e., given the current situation, by significantly increasing the share of groundwater. The authors analyzed the availability of groundwater forecast resources and operational reserves and the possibility of their development in four regions that were affected to varying degrees by the disaster. It was found that there are significant opportunities for transferring water supply to groundwater. Measures to provide the population with water from underground sources protected from pollution have been determined.