

As part of the Strategic Environmental Assessment, an important step is to monitor the environmental impact of the implementation of planning decisions in land management documentation, including on public health. Executive authorities or local self-government bodies, as customers of land management documentation development, are responsible for general management and control over the implementation of planning decisions. In order to ensure systematic and objective observations of changes in the state of the environment, including the state of public health, it is the customer who determines the quantitative and qualitative indicators, their units of measurement and target values of such indicators to prevent, reduce and mitigate the negative effects of planning decisions on the environment, including public health, as well as methods for determining each of the indicators that allow them to be measured quickly and without excessive costs. GIS and remote sensing methods are proposed to be used for such monitoring, as an example of using data from The Copernicus Climate Change Service, The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and others, as well as the use of open source software (OSS), cloud computing platforms allow for quick and cost-effective assessment of the indicators required for monitoring.


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