oa Greenhouse Gases Emission from the Oil-Contaminated Chernozem in the Initial 5-Year Self-Cleaning Period
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 17th International Conference Monitoring of Geological Processes and Ecological Condition of the Environment, Nov 2023, Volume 2023, p.1 - 5
The article discusses a simulated experiment of GHG (greenhouse gases) emissions from oil-contaminated soil in the initial period of self-cleaning. Our observations confirm, that in the initial period of oil pollution (first months) in the soil, there is a mass death of microorganisms. In case of high dose of pollution, about half of the microorganisms die in the first three days. Then, changes in soil microbiosis manifest in the habituation of microorganisms to PH (petroleum hydrocarbons) that is expressed in an increase of their number. In case of low doses, oil just is an additional source of carbon stimulating the vital functions of microorganisms and enzymatic activity. During the experiment it was established, that falling oil into soil in low doses serve as an additional carbon source that stimulates microorganism’s activity and, as a result, increases CO2 emission. In this context, the increase in CH4 emission might be considered as an intermediate product of hydrocarbon decomposition, especially with the strengthening of anaerobic conditions in case of high level of oil contamination.